Photography, Video and Story Consent Form

We often take photographs and videos at our services, events and clinics. We also like to capture the stories of our benefices, fundraisers and volunteers. It’s a great way to show the work that Whizz Kidz does, to help us increase awareness and raise the vital funds we need to continue our work. 

By signing this form, you give your consent for Whizz Kidz to take photographs, videos and audio recordings of you, to share your story, and to use them in Whizz Kidz’s communications, marketing, press activity, awareness raising and fundraising campaigns. 

Whizz Kidz for these purposes means the charity (number 802872) a company limited by guarantee under company number 2444520.

I authorise Whizz Kidz to take/and or use pictures, photographs, video recordings, audio recordings, digital images, and the like of me (the "Images"), and to use my story, for any lawful purpose in connection with Whizz Kidz's charitable objectives.

Whizz Kidz can include this in any of the following:

  • Printed materials (posters, flyers, leaflets, booklets, reports)
  • Online and print media (websites, social media, newspapers, magazines)
  • Broadcast media (television and radio)
  • Advertisements
  • Presentations
  • Fundraising applications/mailing campaigns
  • Any other use where the aim is to further Whizz Kidz's charitable objectives.

If the Images are accompanied by a description, Whizz Kidz can include my name in the description.


  • I assign to Whizz Kidz any interest in copyright or other intellectual property rights that I may have in the Images.
  • I will not object to or restrict Whizz Kidz's use of the Imagess and stories for the purposes specified above.
  • I will not bring any claims for damages against Whizz Kidz in connection with their permitted use of the Images and stories.
  • I understand and agree that Whizz Kidz will not pay me, now or in the future, for any use of the Images and stories.

Whizz Kidz promises to look after your personal information (including photos and videos of you) in accordance with the GDPR. You can read more about how Whizz Kidz will look after your personal information in our privacy policy:

I have read and understand this Photography and Video Release Form:

Sign here

If you change your mind or have any questions about how Whizz Kidz look after your personal information, including photos and videos of you, please read our Privacy Policy or contact us at If you would like revoke your consent for Whizz Kidz to store or use images or videos of you please contact Whizz Kidz at

PLEASE NOTE: If you have any questions or queries relating to the contents of this Photography and Video Release Form please contact the Whizz Kidz Communications Team on