Our Impact

Read about the lifechanging impact we're making to the lives of young wheelchair users

Jake's Story

How the smallest wheelchair makes the biggest difference

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Ruby's Story

"The right wheelchair lets me storm off, away from my parents!"

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Logan's Story

Following his dreams on stage, Logan's loving life with a power chair from Whizz Kidz

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Ben's Story

The family were recommended to Whizz Kidz when his mum mentioned looking for a powered chair for Ben

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Carmela's Story

After hearing about Whizz Kidz from their occupational therapist, Lucy decided to apply for a trike for Carmela

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Jasper's Story

I feel happy that my wheelchair helps me do the things I like to do and have fun

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Kashyani's Story

Whizz Kidz have given me the opportunity to go to many places and do many things I never knew was possible before

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Kiyo-Rei's Story

7-year old Kiyo-Rei is a very sweet and dazzling girl who loves to paint, play with sand and dance

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McKenzie's Story

McKenzie has come on leaps and bounds since getting his wheelchair from Whizz Kidz

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Millie-Rose's Story

"This new wheelchair from Whizz Kidz has changed so much for me"

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Nusaybah's Story

Nusaybah enjoys doing what other children her age do, her previous chair restricted this

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Siblings Group

Being a sibling of someone in a wheelchair comes with its own set of joys and challenges

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