Free Fundraising Resources
Download everything you need to make your fundraising a success
Thinking of fundraising for Whizz Kidz? We’ll support you all the way with our free high-quality fundraising resources.
Here you’ll find everything to make your fundraising a triumph, including our fundraising pack, sponsorship forms, posters and much more.
Let us know what you are doing so we can be there for you as you make a difference to young wheelchair users across the UK.
Tell us about your plan!
Let us know about your fundraising plan and we'll see how we can help!
Events Fundraising Pack
Community Fundraising Pack
Sponsorship Form
Social Media Shareables
Guide to Hosting a Quiz
Guide to Hosting a Bake Sale
Guide to Running a Sweepstake
Whizz Kidz Poster
Editable Poster
Editable Poster v2
If you have any questions or need support with your fundraising, get in touch with us:
- Email
- Call 020 7233 9696