Inclusive sports equipment
Turves Green Primary School in Birmingham
Turves Green Primary School in Birmingham applied to the community change fund with the idea to purchase inclusive sports equipment and raise awareness of disability. In their application, the school said -
“Our project is aiming to do lots of different things: widen people’s awareness around school about our disabilities and needs, raise awareness of the challenges we face each day and how we adapt to each situation (playing PE and other outdoor activities) and lastly, we want to find out how a small project can make a huge difference around our school”.
After attending a panathlon, where they had adapted sports equipment, the young people wanted to buy some similar sports equipment to use in school. Additionally, they were also looking to purchase some playground games at the perfect height for wheelchair users. Some of the equipment on their wish list included lowered basketball hoops and lightweight basketballs, bean bag toss, Velcro dart board, and large connect four.

At the end of the project, the young people provided feedback on their experience. They said –
“We really enjoy playing sport and games but sometimes it can be harder to join in if you have a disability … the new equipment means it is now easier to play with out friends all together instead of having to do things separately”.
Apply for funding
Community groups who would like to apply for a project can register their details online